dAISy AIS Receiver - The Original
Quick start guide
Instruction manual
Driver for Windows XP/7/8 (not required for Windows 10 or newer!)
Firmware updates

dAISy 2+ dual-channel AIS Receiver with NMEA 0183 output
Quick start guide
Instruction manual
Driver for Windows XP/7/8 (not required for Windows 10 or newer!)
Adding WiFi

dAISy HAT AIS Receiver for the Raspberry Pi
Quick start guide
Instruction manual
Instructions for use with OpenPlotter
Assembly guide for case for Raspberry Pi 4

dAISy FeatherWing AIS Receiver
Instruction manual

dAISy Mini AIS Receiver
Instruction manual

OpenMarine MacArthur HAT
OpenMarine forum
GitHub repository

AIS Resources
Below is a collection of 3rd party resources that we find useful for working with the AIS data collected by our receivers.
AIVDM protocol decoding Detailed documentation of the AIS message format
pyais Python library for encoding and decoding AIS messages
SimpleAIS Python library and command-line tools for decoding AIS messages
libais C++ library for decoding AIS, also has Python bindings
DMA AisLib Java library for encoding and decoding AIS messages
Arduino AIS A very simple AIS decoder for use with an Arduino compatible MCU
AIS Dispatcher Utility to forward AIS data to agreggators, includes a web UI with a map
Maritec.za Online AIS decoder
OpenCPN Open Source chart plotter, useful for tracking AIS targets on a map